Monday, January 4, 2010


I think it was the great Nino Brown who said, "money talks, an bullshit runs tha marathon." The new City Center hotel/condo and casino complex in the heart of Las Vegas represents more than just the mass of sleek or flashy descriptive words used to define it. Yes, it is sleek and flashy, but, it is more - much more. Amid the economic chaos that is our shared experience of this second millennium, City Center proves that with the proper mix of money and optimism all things are possible.

City Center represents the future of Las Vegas. A future that has grown from rustic saloon rustling to underworld ingenuity, corporate efficiency to modern metropolis. And for all of Las Vegas' critics, that is essentially the genesis of all great cities. What is most impressive about Las Vegas is how quickly it was, and is able to accomplish such feats.

Major projects seem to come to fruition overnight. Roads and highways are simply expanded as deemed necessary with relative ease. Surely we have all experienced some inconvenience due to various construction projects, but I ask you to temper whatever agitation you may have suffered with the thought of the cities you came from. Think about how long minor road patches and apartment development takes in New York, Chicago or Los Angeles. There is no comparison. Las Vegas IS the future of metropolitan growth, the model, the paragon. We have only two problems- EDUCATION, and WATER.

Las Vegas can catapult it's already solidified status as premier entertainment situs if it uses it's famed dynamism to support a viable endgame. If the same pledge of money, credit and life were devoted to these two issues then the fate of Las Vegas' peasant population would be precarious no more.


Kay Adams said...

I don't live in Vegas, but it seems to me the 3 term limit precluding Mayor Goodman from running for re-election, may be your segue to the position. Interestingly enough, you seem to share a similar background with the Mayor (perhaps even the same astrological sign?)... To whom shall we make out our checks...?

word-game said...

lol...are you goading me Mrs. Corleone?

Kay Adams said...

I'm not sure...Do you feel goaded, Word-Game?

word-game said...

...I feel...mocked, but I shall accept that, I am happy to absorb it , considering you are the only person to check out my blog. lol.

Kay Adams said...

I'm sorry, Word-Game. I understand the word, goad, to mean: stimulate, encourage, arouse; in which case, I was playing on the word... BTW, did you determine whether or not you share the same astrological sign with Mayor Goodman?

word-game said...

Theres a team workin' round the clock on it as we speak.

Kay Adams said...

There's a team called Google that may already have your answer.

Kay Adams said...

did ur team quit?

word-game said...

still try'n ta find out what tha hell google is...

Kay Adams said...

"...were you callin' from a walkie talkie?"

word-game said...

LOL!....ok. Obviously , you know me..

Kay Adams said...

blonde, blue eyes, thin...?

Kay Adams said...

oh, wait, wrong blog...

Kay Adams said...
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