's christmas time again (in case you haven't been to starbucks or the mall in the last month or so) and how delightful it is. Apparently GM and Chrysler got their stockings stuffed and Ford has elected to forgo the holiday alms in some awkward corporate attempt to demonstrate it's stoicism. Unfortunately, they need the cash just as bad and will have to appear hat in hand a few months from now so a touch of cogency would have been preferable. Do we really need to go through all this depressing bail-out non-sense again with Ford seperately? I think its safe to say we've had enough Damoclean festivity for now.
Chicago politics seems to be proving just as sordid as the right-wing sycophants had hoped (well, almost), and kids and strippers were able to make snowmen in vegas. The president evaded a podiatric attack and Obama is still in the throes of his opening game. These are exciting times indeed, I think unemployment just hit another 30-year record and last but most certainly not least, some beautiful human being named their son adolf hitler in Jersey, auf wiedersehen.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
After more than a month of quiet reflection in my mobile burrow (aka- cab), it seems time once again to breach the surface. The sun welcomes me back but its cold as shit in vegas and the chill in the air sends a crisp reminder of the coming of Claus. I will not be deterred and take comfort in the fact that my generation can enjoy atleast some measure of responsibility for the installation of this nations first black president. RENEGADE is here at last, unfortunaltely, TUMBLER (seriously!) will leave office having dealt this country a fatal blow.
The curtain has not fallen on The United States, we are standing on it (we may soon need this damn curtain for the roof of our lean-to). I will not belabor the mundane prophetics of doom, its not how I truly feel, I am encouraged and cannot ignore the incredible irony staring us all square in the face. OUR first BLACK president, taking the seat of power at a time of crisis arguably the worst this country has ever faced. This nation WILL be saved by the progeny of the race that received the starkest(to be obscenely kind) embrace of all by these shores.
The curtain has not fallen on The United States, we are standing on it (we may soon need this damn curtain for the roof of our lean-to). I will not belabor the mundane prophetics of doom, its not how I truly feel, I am encouraged and cannot ignore the incredible irony staring us all square in the face. OUR first BLACK president, taking the seat of power at a time of crisis arguably the worst this country has ever faced. This nation WILL be saved by the progeny of the race that received the starkest(to be obscenely kind) embrace of all by these shores.
Monday, November 3, 2008
In a pale attempt to calm my freneticsm over the election, I decided to take a trip down memory lane and go rent the new Indian Jones movie. So now I’m fresh off the trail with the good doctor, who, on this particular outing, was searching for skulls or aliens or his ex or his son or Chrystal meth or tenure or whatever the hell that movie was about. I now sit here, relegated to a kind of creepy delight in memories of childhood.
I must have seen Raiders of the Lost Ark 100 times and I can tell you it has a very special place in my heart (the other 3 movies in the franchise amount to little more than slightly entertaining kitsch). In my opinion, Raiders wasn't awesome because it was well made or had better acting, but because of its realism, and I say this, (not because I am Jewish) because it is true. We do live in a “Judeo-Christian” society, and…seriously, who’s gonna fuck with YHWH. Alas, people often do, and many millions have, before the arrival of Constantine and well after his death. Sometimes the problem comes from within. This is not one of those times. If it seems our somewhat opaque dialectic has taken a turn toward Hymie-Town, it is because it has.
Raiders rang true for me because even at a very young age I was able to experience first hand the stinging right-cross of Jew-hating. The occasional spit in the face by an equally young boy (maybe 7 or 8-years-old), who, more often than not, was a friend. In life it seems it is “friends,” that wound. It would seem that Anti-Semitism has friends in all places and for many reasons. For me, it was a bad hair cut, portly demeanor and an odd name. For others, there is a discomfort with their own Judaism that extends much deeper.
At this point I must tell you that I am NOT a big Steven Spielberg fan, probably because I am Jewish and feel he gets it wrong most of the time. There is some odd, fetishistic focus on frailty. The Spielbergian paradigm seems to me inextricably wound with that of the Church, it is an ideology and portrayal that says – here is a people that will operate at any level to survive. There is nary a showing of strength or honor in the true Masada or Maccabean sense. His depiction of the IDF and Mossad, while perhaps commendable for what could be viewed as layered and reasoned analysis of the high-level, realistic and nuanced intricacies of human emotion operating within such a potentially vicious and lethal penumbra, still leave the audience devoid of that singular-potent and romantically powerful imagery conjured so often with most other areas of movie-magic. These images are powerful representations that latch themselves inextricably not merely to Americans, but to the world.
And so, Spielberg, as such a huge, and influential success in the arena of human communication, owes a duty not just as a Semite but as a human being, to be concerned with the images he leaves us with. We, as a race of people, do not boil down to Judas Iscariot, a symbol of persecution and hatred almost certainly attributable to the vast and sustained alchemics of Christianity to smear and obscure the legacy of a people. It is this insidiously inserted architecture, gifted by our progeny no less, which stays with us to this day. And that is why Jew, Judas, Jude and Jewish are all seemingly innocuous words that bare an uneasy tinge for Semites. The usage of the word is largely irrelevant, there is an imbedded target that has been fostered for two thousand years, it is, invariably, to conjure the “traitor”.
His movies convey some bizarre preoccupation with Jewish weakness- there exists a deliberate hesitance on his part to display a Hebrew character as swaggering or brutal or stupid or violent (even when his subject matter demands it) and when he has(Munich comes to mind)those he casts as Jews (Daniel Craig- are you fucking kidding me, the most nazi-looking-dude ever) seem to be quite, un-Jewish.
Saving Private Ryan was a perfect opportunity to introduce a deviation from the standard meek Jewish archetype offered so frequently by Hollywood. I am reluctant to even mention Shindler's List because it would belabor my point and I am sure one could argue that capturing the essence of Jewish vulnerability in our darkest hour was pertinent. However, why not make a movie about the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto and their fierce resistance to that murderous regime?
Spielberg had a character in Pvt. Stanley Mellish (Adam Goldberg) that could courageously represent the heroic military contribution of American Jews. This simple Jewish infantryman was doing his part as an American to help liberate the world from tyranny. So why did Spielberg cast the most Seinfeldian actor he could find? I thought this guy was Sarah Silverman's brother.
Yes, yes, there may be a historical, lingering distaste for Jews- So what, and more importantly what the hell does this have to do with the election tomorrow? Even the most cinematically averse can remember the gruesome destruction of the nazis at the finale of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The melting faces and imploding bodies that represented the wraith of the Hebrew God. Lightning, fire, demonic apparitions, par for the course when you fuck with YAHWEH. Please do not confuse my words as some desperate attempt to comingle the Republican Party with the National Socialists of Germany’s sanguinary past. We must be vigilant in our perception of the facts, the truth demands a refrain from any impossible mention of a connection between Prescott Bush, Standard Oil, IBM and numerous other corporations and personalities who may have been cleared of any nefarious involvement with that unsavory and long forgotten appendage of historical dust.
And now, as promised, my point. Prepare to be underwhelmed. The majority of Americans have been suffering from a systemic malaise. This was brought forth not by Allah or al Qaida but by a dim and untrusting view of the populace by those who were charged with its protection. The hapless have a commonality that is undeniable. Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, whatever your belief or color or country of origin, we have all been forced to suffer numerous indignities under this administration. Whether they were controversial (to be kind) expansions of executive privilege or extremely dangerous invasions into our most cherished civil rights, this party has miserably failed to curb the tentacles of its most preeminent figure, and we have been led into extensive world conflict and devastating economic ruin. The most basic tenets of accountability demand a change of the incumbent political party. The people will strafe this errant polity with a clear demand for change. Regime change is now imminent.
Good luck GOP- mazel,mazel.
I must have seen Raiders of the Lost Ark 100 times and I can tell you it has a very special place in my heart (the other 3 movies in the franchise amount to little more than slightly entertaining kitsch). In my opinion, Raiders wasn't awesome because it was well made or had better acting, but because of its realism, and I say this, (not because I am Jewish) because it is true. We do live in a “Judeo-Christian” society, and…seriously, who’s gonna fuck with YHWH. Alas, people often do, and many millions have, before the arrival of Constantine and well after his death. Sometimes the problem comes from within. This is not one of those times. If it seems our somewhat opaque dialectic has taken a turn toward Hymie-Town, it is because it has.
Raiders rang true for me because even at a very young age I was able to experience first hand the stinging right-cross of Jew-hating. The occasional spit in the face by an equally young boy (maybe 7 or 8-years-old), who, more often than not, was a friend. In life it seems it is “friends,” that wound. It would seem that Anti-Semitism has friends in all places and for many reasons. For me, it was a bad hair cut, portly demeanor and an odd name. For others, there is a discomfort with their own Judaism that extends much deeper.
At this point I must tell you that I am NOT a big Steven Spielberg fan, probably because I am Jewish and feel he gets it wrong most of the time. There is some odd, fetishistic focus on frailty. The Spielbergian paradigm seems to me inextricably wound with that of the Church, it is an ideology and portrayal that says – here is a people that will operate at any level to survive. There is nary a showing of strength or honor in the true Masada or Maccabean sense. His depiction of the IDF and Mossad, while perhaps commendable for what could be viewed as layered and reasoned analysis of the high-level, realistic and nuanced intricacies of human emotion operating within such a potentially vicious and lethal penumbra, still leave the audience devoid of that singular-potent and romantically powerful imagery conjured so often with most other areas of movie-magic. These images are powerful representations that latch themselves inextricably not merely to Americans, but to the world.
And so, Spielberg, as such a huge, and influential success in the arena of human communication, owes a duty not just as a Semite but as a human being, to be concerned with the images he leaves us with. We, as a race of people, do not boil down to Judas Iscariot, a symbol of persecution and hatred almost certainly attributable to the vast and sustained alchemics of Christianity to smear and obscure the legacy of a people. It is this insidiously inserted architecture, gifted by our progeny no less, which stays with us to this day. And that is why Jew, Judas, Jude and Jewish are all seemingly innocuous words that bare an uneasy tinge for Semites. The usage of the word is largely irrelevant, there is an imbedded target that has been fostered for two thousand years, it is, invariably, to conjure the “traitor”.
His movies convey some bizarre preoccupation with Jewish weakness- there exists a deliberate hesitance on his part to display a Hebrew character as swaggering or brutal or stupid or violent (even when his subject matter demands it) and when he has(Munich comes to mind)those he casts as Jews (Daniel Craig- are you fucking kidding me, the most nazi-looking-dude ever) seem to be quite, un-Jewish.
Saving Private Ryan was a perfect opportunity to introduce a deviation from the standard meek Jewish archetype offered so frequently by Hollywood. I am reluctant to even mention Shindler's List because it would belabor my point and I am sure one could argue that capturing the essence of Jewish vulnerability in our darkest hour was pertinent. However, why not make a movie about the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto and their fierce resistance to that murderous regime?
Spielberg had a character in Pvt. Stanley Mellish (Adam Goldberg) that could courageously represent the heroic military contribution of American Jews. This simple Jewish infantryman was doing his part as an American to help liberate the world from tyranny. So why did Spielberg cast the most Seinfeldian actor he could find? I thought this guy was Sarah Silverman's brother.
Yes, yes, there may be a historical, lingering distaste for Jews- So what, and more importantly what the hell does this have to do with the election tomorrow? Even the most cinematically averse can remember the gruesome destruction of the nazis at the finale of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The melting faces and imploding bodies that represented the wraith of the Hebrew God. Lightning, fire, demonic apparitions, par for the course when you fuck with YAHWEH. Please do not confuse my words as some desperate attempt to comingle the Republican Party with the National Socialists of Germany’s sanguinary past. We must be vigilant in our perception of the facts, the truth demands a refrain from any impossible mention of a connection between Prescott Bush, Standard Oil, IBM and numerous other corporations and personalities who may have been cleared of any nefarious involvement with that unsavory and long forgotten appendage of historical dust.
And now, as promised, my point. Prepare to be underwhelmed. The majority of Americans have been suffering from a systemic malaise. This was brought forth not by Allah or al Qaida but by a dim and untrusting view of the populace by those who were charged with its protection. The hapless have a commonality that is undeniable. Jews, Christians, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, whatever your belief or color or country of origin, we have all been forced to suffer numerous indignities under this administration. Whether they were controversial (to be kind) expansions of executive privilege or extremely dangerous invasions into our most cherished civil rights, this party has miserably failed to curb the tentacles of its most preeminent figure, and we have been led into extensive world conflict and devastating economic ruin. The most basic tenets of accountability demand a change of the incumbent political party. The people will strafe this errant polity with a clear demand for change. Regime change is now imminent.
Good luck GOP- mazel,mazel.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Ode to Nouriel
AND so...with the train on its side, drifting effortlessly down the gentle slopes of a failing US economy, we(THE PEOPLE)certainly have no shortage of culpable targets. It is interesting to note that now that we are squarely off these tracks we have NOT turned into a blazing fireball of twisted metal destroying everything in its path. That is... unless you are one of the millions that has already lost their home or job or are now living almost exclusively on peanut butter or some combination of all three. If that is the case, then you have my deepest appologies ,which, at this point, would mean even less to you than would any appology from those who are truly responsible. AND I, along with millions of others, am probably one bad week away from living under "mainstreet" as well.
MAINSTREET...its laughable, are we simply a mass peasantry, heads down ,working endlessly with no respite. Are we simply an octogenarian work-force of the future. I digress, all is NOT lost, the new-new bail-out has a good deal of resplendency. It has been up-armored with "investor-like" strings attached, so we can all rest a bit easier- we are saved. We are saved because, it seems, those at the top who have already successfully broken the back of this country in the wholesale pursuit of personal gain will now be entrusted further. YES- the government (we the people)will guarantee(with our tax dollars)the economic engine. Banks on Whore Street will start easing restrictions on lending and corporations will relax their plans to relocate off-shore, small businesses will be able to fund their pay-rolls and soup-kitchens will be able to ease their moratoriums on "seconds."
I know what you (the people) are thinking, "why would we further fund those who have already proven themselves as thieves?" Why should this generations robber-barons be given ANOTHER bite at the apple? AND, why in the world would we continue to call ourselves a democracy or even a capitalist society when what has been undertaken has shown itself to be much closer to the essence of communism? AND LASTLY, in the face of all these obvious steps toward total control by the minute plutocracy, why the hell do they (politicians)still shrink from the mere suggestion of the idea of "socialized health care?"
If this is OUR (the people) lot in life, we (the people) should atleast demand FREE health care for our sick AND FREE education for our children. That should be the goal of government- put the pursuit of shadowy terroristas aside and care for your goddamn people.
MAINSTREET...its laughable, are we simply a mass peasantry, heads down ,working endlessly with no respite. Are we simply an octogenarian work-force of the future. I digress, all is NOT lost, the new-new bail-out has a good deal of resplendency. It has been up-armored with "investor-like" strings attached, so we can all rest a bit easier- we are saved. We are saved because, it seems, those at the top who have already successfully broken the back of this country in the wholesale pursuit of personal gain will now be entrusted further. YES- the government (we the people)will guarantee(with our tax dollars)the economic engine. Banks on Whore Street will start easing restrictions on lending and corporations will relax their plans to relocate off-shore, small businesses will be able to fund their pay-rolls and soup-kitchens will be able to ease their moratoriums on "seconds."
I know what you (the people) are thinking, "why would we further fund those who have already proven themselves as thieves?" Why should this generations robber-barons be given ANOTHER bite at the apple? AND, why in the world would we continue to call ourselves a democracy or even a capitalist society when what has been undertaken has shown itself to be much closer to the essence of communism? AND LASTLY, in the face of all these obvious steps toward total control by the minute plutocracy, why the hell do they (politicians)still shrink from the mere suggestion of the idea of "socialized health care?"
If this is OUR (the people) lot in life, we (the people) should atleast demand FREE health care for our sick AND FREE education for our children. That should be the goal of government- put the pursuit of shadowy terroristas aside and care for your goddamn people.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
with the dust having settled on the vp debate i thought it was high time i took the opportunity to discuss the situation with myself. thoroughly anti-climactic the candidates did have a chance to shine to their specific audiences. i have to admit i was impressed with the democratic offering- a smooth veneer of tha elder statesman complete with fresh shalack, beautifully finished with rosey hues it became obvious quickly that this patina would be quite free of off-putting or plagarized remarks. this was indeed the best biden that we have ever known.
AND yes the republicans too are to be congradulated. palin was charming and straight-talkin' , easy on tha eyes and well-versed in the sound bites we love to hear. adding an endearing wink to tha audience with every vitriolic attack, her tawdry performance only increased her standing as mullah-in-waiting for a republican party dreaming of a brave new world.
AND yes the republicans too are to be congradulated. palin was charming and straight-talkin' , easy on tha eyes and well-versed in the sound bites we love to hear. adding an endearing wink to tha audience with every vitriolic attack, her tawdry performance only increased her standing as mullah-in-waiting for a republican party dreaming of a brave new world.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
with a few hours to go before the vice presidential debate i find myself curiously uncomfortable. Uneasy with the creeping notion that the nations first legitimate female vice presidential candidate is actually a VELOCI-RAPTOR. YES....a dinosaur. OR a shape-shifting-GREY-republi-nazi, OR a republi-facist, OR a pit-bull with lipstick, a bad disney movie(courtesy of mr. Damon), OR simply a fair representation of the OTHER slightly less than half of the country. The half that believes it makes good military sense to put a former beauty queen a murmur away from the helm during a time of military and financial crisis.
you may be thinking , hey, just cause she was a weather-girl for whatever channel they have in alaska does NOT mean she's not qualified. Plus...Obama's black AND has a weird name...YOU would be right on all counts, AND let us also keep in mind that she is ONLY running for the SECOND chair...
WELL...all this is bad news for me because I have almost as little faith in joe biden as i have in joe put all this together and (poor syntax aside) the debate makes for one helluva fear factor.
you may be thinking , hey, just cause she was a weather-girl for whatever channel they have in alaska does NOT mean she's not qualified. Plus...Obama's black AND has a weird name...YOU would be right on all counts, AND let us also keep in mind that she is ONLY running for the SECOND chair...
WELL...all this is bad news for me because I have almost as little faith in joe biden as i have in joe put all this together and (poor syntax aside) the debate makes for one helluva fear factor.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
the las vegas economy
street level advisors (certain un-named cabbies) claim a suffering strip economy down approximately 50%
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