The Supreme Court's recent 5-4 decision to eliminate checks on union and corporate campaign influence has undone over one hundred years of safeguards that had previously been in place. Protections that had already been proven vulnerable to lobbyists of various special interests were given their official last rites. Even the meager protections offered by the comically lauded McCain-Feingold Act were not spared.
The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which served to maintain a regulatory scheme in an effort to prevent a repeat of this nations first major economic collapse can probably be said to have been almost entirely undone during the Clinton Presidency (though the act had already suffered numerous assaults under the watch of President Reagan +1, aka, Alan Greenspan). The reasons and results of such action can be argued, however, it remains a troubling wound to another forward thinking leader guided by his intellect and desire to serve the greater good.
President Obama now faces not only the open sore of the repeal of Steagall, but an infection entirley more dangerous and far-reaching. The Supreme Court has just acted to destroy the legacy of our nations first Black President, far worse still, this court has almost certainly cast us down a perilous path that threatens any lingering remnants of this countrys democratic process.
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission is the millenium's Dred Scott and Scalia our Justice Taney. Youre welcome America.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
"After the Allied victory of 1918 at the end of my father's war, the victors divided up the lands of their former enemies in the space of just seventeen months. They created the borders of Northern Ireland, Yugoslavia and most of the Middle East, I have spent my entire career in Belfast, Sarajevo, in Beirut and Baghdad, watching the people within those borders burn."
The Great War For Civilisation, The Conquest of the Middle East, Robert Fisk
The Great War For Civilisation, The Conquest of the Middle East, Robert Fisk
Monday, January 4, 2010
I think it was the great Nino Brown who said, "money talks, an bullshit runs tha marathon." The new City Center hotel/condo and casino complex in the heart of Las Vegas represents more than just the mass of sleek or flashy descriptive words used to define it. Yes, it is sleek and flashy, but, it is more - much more. Amid the economic chaos that is our shared experience of this second millennium, City Center proves that with the proper mix of money and optimism all things are possible.
City Center represents the future of Las Vegas. A future that has grown from rustic saloon rustling to underworld ingenuity, corporate efficiency to modern metropolis. And for all of Las Vegas' critics, that is essentially the genesis of all great cities. What is most impressive about Las Vegas is how quickly it was, and is able to accomplish such feats.
Major projects seem to come to fruition overnight. Roads and highways are simply expanded as deemed necessary with relative ease. Surely we have all experienced some inconvenience due to various construction projects, but I ask you to temper whatever agitation you may have suffered with the thought of the cities you came from. Think about how long minor road patches and apartment development takes in New York, Chicago or Los Angeles. There is no comparison. Las Vegas IS the future of metropolitan growth, the model, the paragon. We have only two problems- EDUCATION, and WATER.
Las Vegas can catapult it's already solidified status as premier entertainment situs if it uses it's famed dynamism to support a viable endgame. If the same pledge of money, credit and life were devoted to these two issues then the fate of Las Vegas' peasant population would be precarious no more.
City Center represents the future of Las Vegas. A future that has grown from rustic saloon rustling to underworld ingenuity, corporate efficiency to modern metropolis. And for all of Las Vegas' critics, that is essentially the genesis of all great cities. What is most impressive about Las Vegas is how quickly it was, and is able to accomplish such feats.
Major projects seem to come to fruition overnight. Roads and highways are simply expanded as deemed necessary with relative ease. Surely we have all experienced some inconvenience due to various construction projects, but I ask you to temper whatever agitation you may have suffered with the thought of the cities you came from. Think about how long minor road patches and apartment development takes in New York, Chicago or Los Angeles. There is no comparison. Las Vegas IS the future of metropolitan growth, the model, the paragon. We have only two problems- EDUCATION, and WATER.
Las Vegas can catapult it's already solidified status as premier entertainment situs if it uses it's famed dynamism to support a viable endgame. If the same pledge of money, credit and life were devoted to these two issues then the fate of Las Vegas' peasant population would be precarious no more.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
With only a few hours left to go before President Barak Obama's address to the nation's youth I think it is important for us to make a mental note of the intellectual breakdown that has taken place within the body of the nation. It is no secret that outspoken segments of the Republican Party and their mouth-pieces on talk radio (quite possibly the other way around)have taken the president's attempt to speak to America's school children as an opportunity to fire shameless slanderous assaults.
The salvos are replete with colorful labels such as Marxist, Lenninist, Socialist, Indoctrination, Dictatorial and the always adorable double-dip, Marxist Lenninist. Apparently, it is not enough that the nation is still in the thorough grips of war and post-kemo-style financial malaise that might as well be our generations Great Depression.
Partisan politics has grown beyond the grasp of the fomenters, clearly, this recent showing of utter disrespect for the health of the nation, and it's chief executive officer is far more than an embarrassment- it is a forefeiture. Both political parties have demonstrated a consistant stream of incompetance and corruption- but the republican party has most certainly wheezed it's final gurgle. It's sputtering insults a misplaced requite for horrendous self-inflicted failures.
And to those final-hour flip-floppers in the Republican Party who suddenly approve of the presidents attempt to inspire our nations students- sorry, too little, too late. The GOP has been terminally scarred, your contrition, forked-tongued, it's simply the pus-like effluence oozing from what has become a decrepit infected keloid.
This morning the President will try to inspire the nations failing schools and it's students, Republicans would be well served to HEAR him, not just listen.
The salvos are replete with colorful labels such as Marxist, Lenninist, Socialist, Indoctrination, Dictatorial and the always adorable double-dip, Marxist Lenninist. Apparently, it is not enough that the nation is still in the thorough grips of war and post-kemo-style financial malaise that might as well be our generations Great Depression.
Partisan politics has grown beyond the grasp of the fomenters, clearly, this recent showing of utter disrespect for the health of the nation, and it's chief executive officer is far more than an embarrassment- it is a forefeiture. Both political parties have demonstrated a consistant stream of incompetance and corruption- but the republican party has most certainly wheezed it's final gurgle. It's sputtering insults a misplaced requite for horrendous self-inflicted failures.
And to those final-hour flip-floppers in the Republican Party who suddenly approve of the presidents attempt to inspire our nations students- sorry, too little, too late. The GOP has been terminally scarred, your contrition, forked-tongued, it's simply the pus-like effluence oozing from what has become a decrepit infected keloid.
This morning the President will try to inspire the nations failing schools and it's students, Republicans would be well served to HEAR him, not just listen.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Chandrasekhar limit: A mass of 1.44 times the mass of our sun. A star exceeding the Chandrasekhar limit can no longer maintain its stability through electron pressure; it will go SUPERNOVA and collapse to a neutron star, a quark star, or a BLACK HOLE.
Alpha & Omega, p.252
Alpha & Omega, p.252
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Human beings have a love affair with sausage. The tasty utility of various meat scraps spiced-up and processed into a multitude of shapes and sizes has served to help sustain our survival as a species for thousands of years. Unfortunately, (like anything abused)eating too much of it can make you sick. So what does sausage have to do with healhcare a Lyndon LaRouche?
Nothing. However, there is some connection between two prominent Weiners. Successful talk radio host Michael Savage, who changed his name from the diminutively Jewish Weiner, to the notoriously fierce Savage. I imagine he did this in a effort to upgrade his appeal to an audience which may have otherwise inherantly questioned the legitamcy of just another "Jewish" opinion. This is not some veiled accusation of self-loathing on his part for changing his name- it may be arguably understandable given the extreme right-wing views he presents to his happily receptive fan base. Ironically, Savage is famous for his anti- gay, muslim and immigrant stance and like all great war hawks is quick to thrust other peoples children into battle while his son Russell is the CEO of his soft-drink company Rockstar energy drink.
The other Weiner of which I speak is named Anthony. Anthony Weiner is a Representative for the 9th district of New York and his relevance to this monologue (all facile witticisms aside)is key. This democrat is a staunch supporter of a single-pay option for health care. He is plain-speaking and makes extremely powerful arguments for a system of medical care that would be funded by the federal government. I hate to over-simplify his proposal but essentially he argues for an expansion and refinement of the Medicare system that is already in place.
Medicare is a system of univeral coverage for those over the age of 65 that is paid for by the federal government. It is not socialist or communist, it is merely humanist and does not destroy the nations capitalist tradition. It may, however, force some reconfiguration for insurance and pharmacutical companies and their well storied penchant for profit. The real problem lies in the political lobbying power of these companies and the campaigns that are beholden to them.
The sad irony is that certain debasers of our airwaves have chosen to villify a president over attempting to help his nation and rather than have a cogent debate regarding the ways and means of coverage they would play to the extreme fears of the populace by attempting to conjure images of Hitler and Stalin. The references are laughable upon any reasoned analysis, however, when your stuck in traffic or out of work, a persons otherwise unreasonable fears may be somewhat more accessible. This is exactly what the ridiculously impractical and morally indefensible less government infringement argument banks on.
Savage argues that government-run healthcare is an anathema to our traditional values as a capitalist society. He fervantly blasts any suggestion of universal coverage (like most other so-called conservatives)as some blind march down the plank of Marxism into the tumultuous, treacherous RED sea that is socialism. He chums the waters of fear with talk of death councils and euthanasia, this is inaccuarate, immature and irresponsible. He knows this, but like the insurance and pharmacutical companies prayer for profit- he begs for ratings, and it is much more difficult to sustain your market share without the wonders of Yellow journalism and hyperbole.
Lyndon LaRouche, like Michael Savage, is another intelligent, priveledged, ultra-conservative who disguises his opinions in easily digestible highly processed bite-sized morsels, of sausage. For LaRouche (who was once a socialist)entittlement is intertwined with the Mayflower (it is claimed his great-grandmother was aboard). He sees our salvation as a nation only in partnership with Russia and China. LaRouche would have us "break-away" from the grasp of the money-changers (arguably some crude anti-semetic reference)that ARE England. In the LaRouche world, Britain runs the United States and we are obviously still pawns of the crown.
This is relevant because the main thrust of disinformation at these laughably raucous town-hall meetings comes from the LaRouche machine. The nazi references, the demonizing of President Obama. Michael Savage attacks Obama and universal health coverage with the same tack from a different flank. I'm not sure who cherry-picks from whom, but at the end of the day, it's still JUST sausage.
Division of a populace is an old tactic (made famously successful by the British Mr. LaRouche), but not a sustainable one, and more importantly NOT an American one. This countries supreme contribution to humanity is her Constitution. It stands as an incredible testiment to the Founding Fathers and their desire to build on Hammurabic Code, the strides of the Magna Carter and the efforts of French political philosophy. These men and women fashioned a secular mode of governance that allowed for growth and elasticity because they had the forethought to think beyond themselves. Perhaps it is time we all start to do the same.
This is a nation approaching over three-hundred million people, the vast majority of which are not wealthy. With only slight regard for the arithmatic of human suffering I think reasonable people can agree that some form of simple, governmentally guaranteed provision for those masses must be established. If the backs of middle-class and working poor continue to be broken over the basic moral necessities of life I fear for the duration of any union.
So I ask you, what would Jesus do?
Nothing. However, there is some connection between two prominent Weiners. Successful talk radio host Michael Savage, who changed his name from the diminutively Jewish Weiner, to the notoriously fierce Savage. I imagine he did this in a effort to upgrade his appeal to an audience which may have otherwise inherantly questioned the legitamcy of just another "Jewish" opinion. This is not some veiled accusation of self-loathing on his part for changing his name- it may be arguably understandable given the extreme right-wing views he presents to his happily receptive fan base. Ironically, Savage is famous for his anti- gay, muslim and immigrant stance and like all great war hawks is quick to thrust other peoples children into battle while his son Russell is the CEO of his soft-drink company Rockstar energy drink.
The other Weiner of which I speak is named Anthony. Anthony Weiner is a Representative for the 9th district of New York and his relevance to this monologue (all facile witticisms aside)is key. This democrat is a staunch supporter of a single-pay option for health care. He is plain-speaking and makes extremely powerful arguments for a system of medical care that would be funded by the federal government. I hate to over-simplify his proposal but essentially he argues for an expansion and refinement of the Medicare system that is already in place.
Medicare is a system of univeral coverage for those over the age of 65 that is paid for by the federal government. It is not socialist or communist, it is merely humanist and does not destroy the nations capitalist tradition. It may, however, force some reconfiguration for insurance and pharmacutical companies and their well storied penchant for profit. The real problem lies in the political lobbying power of these companies and the campaigns that are beholden to them.
The sad irony is that certain debasers of our airwaves have chosen to villify a president over attempting to help his nation and rather than have a cogent debate regarding the ways and means of coverage they would play to the extreme fears of the populace by attempting to conjure images of Hitler and Stalin. The references are laughable upon any reasoned analysis, however, when your stuck in traffic or out of work, a persons otherwise unreasonable fears may be somewhat more accessible. This is exactly what the ridiculously impractical and morally indefensible less government infringement argument banks on.
Savage argues that government-run healthcare is an anathema to our traditional values as a capitalist society. He fervantly blasts any suggestion of universal coverage (like most other so-called conservatives)as some blind march down the plank of Marxism into the tumultuous, treacherous RED sea that is socialism. He chums the waters of fear with talk of death councils and euthanasia, this is inaccuarate, immature and irresponsible. He knows this, but like the insurance and pharmacutical companies prayer for profit- he begs for ratings, and it is much more difficult to sustain your market share without the wonders of Yellow journalism and hyperbole.
Lyndon LaRouche, like Michael Savage, is another intelligent, priveledged, ultra-conservative who disguises his opinions in easily digestible highly processed bite-sized morsels, of sausage. For LaRouche (who was once a socialist)entittlement is intertwined with the Mayflower (it is claimed his great-grandmother was aboard). He sees our salvation as a nation only in partnership with Russia and China. LaRouche would have us "break-away" from the grasp of the money-changers (arguably some crude anti-semetic reference)that ARE England. In the LaRouche world, Britain runs the United States and we are obviously still pawns of the crown.
This is relevant because the main thrust of disinformation at these laughably raucous town-hall meetings comes from the LaRouche machine. The nazi references, the demonizing of President Obama. Michael Savage attacks Obama and universal health coverage with the same tack from a different flank. I'm not sure who cherry-picks from whom, but at the end of the day, it's still JUST sausage.
Division of a populace is an old tactic (made famously successful by the British Mr. LaRouche), but not a sustainable one, and more importantly NOT an American one. This countries supreme contribution to humanity is her Constitution. It stands as an incredible testiment to the Founding Fathers and their desire to build on Hammurabic Code, the strides of the Magna Carter and the efforts of French political philosophy. These men and women fashioned a secular mode of governance that allowed for growth and elasticity because they had the forethought to think beyond themselves. Perhaps it is time we all start to do the same.
This is a nation approaching over three-hundred million people, the vast majority of which are not wealthy. With only slight regard for the arithmatic of human suffering I think reasonable people can agree that some form of simple, governmentally guaranteed provision for those masses must be established. If the backs of middle-class and working poor continue to be broken over the basic moral necessities of life I fear for the duration of any union.
So I ask you, what would Jesus do?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Vainglorious Heirs

It would be impossible for me to describe the new Quentin Tarantino film Inglourious Basterds as anything other than cathartic. This movie was not comfort food for my Jewish soul, it was more like an anabolic cocktail.
In an odd way I somehow agonize over the horrors of a past that I was fortunate enough to not have been born into. I am disturbed at the idea that famous corporations of the German war machine are even more successful today. Far more distressing is the fact that many Jews purchase German goods. Garnered not merely for their perceived superior performance, these goods have been elevated to an intrisically perverse level.
The searing evil that the German people scorched the world with under the Third Reich is without equal. Tarantino's film fashions the perdition that the Nazis were able to elude.
A German status symbol should be an oxymoron, and in this Basterd world, it is.
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